
Total Obituaries: 470 Page 36 of 47

Gavino (Ping) Abaya Jr.

- January 12, 2020
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Gavino P. Abaya, Jr., 84, died Jan 12, 2020, the same day Taal Volcano from Batangas, Philippines (his hometown) erupted vigorously. He was a retired Consul General for the Philippine Mission to the United Nations, served the government for over 4 decades. He was married to Julia C. Abaya (died 1997); survived by his 5 children and 7 grandchildren. Gavino Abaya, III, his son died 2017.

Vasile Manea

- January 10, 2020
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Vasile Manea (1930-2020) was a Romanian engineer who was director of the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Aeronautics in Bucharest. He was a Humboldt Foundation scholar in Gottingen. He studied the mathematical basis of turbulence and material fatigue. He emigrated to the US in 1989, where he was a Technical Director for AeroStructures, a defense contractor located in Arlington, Virginia. He is s

Marisa McGrody

- January 7, 2020
Service Date:

The world lost one of it's very best. It is with immense sadness and much heartbreak and deepest loss that I announce the passing of our greatest love, our best friend, our strongest family, our persevering warrior, our biggest cheerleader, our original care bear, our heart and soul, the genuine goodness that is and always will be Marisa McGrody. Marisa was truly one of a kind, and I know th

The Very Rev. James Parks Morton

- January 4, 2020
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The Interfaith Center of New York mourns the death of our founder and friend, The Very Rev. James Parks Morton. A pioneer in interfaith work, peace-building, and environmental stewardship, Dean Morton created an organization for hundreds of grassroots faith leaders from African Diaspora, Buddhist, Christian, Jain, Jewish, Hindu, Humanist, Muslim, Native American, Shinto, and Sikh communities in Ne

Ernest (Ernie) Molinari

- January 1, 2020
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Ernest Molinari, 82, of New York, NY, passed away on January 1st after a 3-year bout with congestive heart failure. Ernest was born on February 3, 1937, to Louis Molinari and Florence Sciarrillo in lower Manhattan. Growing up, he worked in his parent's grocery store in Greenwich Village. He served his country in the U.S. Army and Army Reserve before starting his career in banking. He worked for 2

Grace Helen McCabe

- December 30, 2019
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Grace Helen McCabe. — of E. 16th Street passed away at Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital on December 30, 2019. She was the dearly beloved aunt of Christopher, Monica and Maura McCabe, Margaret (McCabe) and Robert McMonagle, loving great aunt of Ian Philip McCabe Porteus, sister of John McCabe (deceased) survived by his wife Doris; sister of Edward McCabe, Joan (McCabe) and Pasquale Stufano (all d

Barbara Ann Porrazzo

- December 30, 2019
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Barbara passed away on Monday, December 30, 2019. Barbara was a resident of New York, New York.

Loretta Pailile White

- December 29, 2019
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Loretta Pailile White Born in Anahola, Kauai, Hawaii May 8, 1933 Take a walk! Go for a swim! Dance the hula! Sing a song! These are words Loretta lived by - always on the move, a social being, a remarkable woman… Loretta joined the US Air Force straight out of high school then went to college after that, very industrious, even at a young age. She left a small town to join t

Tessa Rane Majors

- December 11, 2019
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Funeral arrangements in Manhattan were private at the request of the family. The family of Tessa Rane Majors is grateful for your thoughts and prayers.

Katherine Shaunee Brody

- December 8, 2019
Service Date:

Katherine passed away on Sunday, December 8, 2019. Katherine was a resident of New York, New York.

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