
Total Obituaries: 470 Page 40 of 47

Jean – Francois Hibbert

- September 1, 2019
Service Date:

Jean-Francois "JF" Hibbert In loving memory 1957 - 2019 Jean-Francois Hibbert, 62, passed away in Grimaud, France, on Sunday, September 1st, 2019, surrounded by his family. He was born on July 2nd, 1957 to Daniel and Ghislaine Hibbert. JF, as he was affectionately known, received his undergraduate degree from Brown University & his Medical Degree from U-Mass. He spent a fruitful career servi

Aldwin S. Amparado

- August 29, 2019
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Aldwin S. Amparado, a bank modeling specialist, resident of New York City, NY, died unexpectedly on August 29, 2019, at the age of 39. Aldwin is survived by his wife, Angela Panganiban, and his parents. He is also survived by his brothers, Pierre and Roy Jasper Amparado, and his 7-month old Lhasa Apso, Brisket. Aldwin was born in Quezon City, Philippines on October 24, 1979, to Jun and Amelia Amp

Gene Iacovetta

- August 20, 2019
Service Date:

Gene passed away on Tuesday, August 20, 2019. Gene was a resident of New York, New York.

Miriam Kove

- August 11, 2019
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Miriam passed away on Sunday, August 11, 2019. Miriam was a resident of New York, New York.

Barbara Strambi

- August 7, 2019
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(2/29/28-8/7/19) - Loving daughter, wife, and mother, Barbara passed quietly at home on Aug. 7. She is survived by her daughter, Nicole; her son-in-law, Chuck; a niece, Stephanie, her favorite cousin, Renee; dear friends Yassa Kone and Dean Baker; and her beloved kitty, Baby Shane. Born in New York City, Barbara lived on Christopher Street for more than 40 years, and was a staunch supporter of the

Marshall Lederman

- July 30, 2019
Service Date:

Marshall passed away on Tuesday, July 30, 2019. Marshall was a resident of New York City, New York.

Marie Guardino

- July 29, 2019
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Marie passed away on Monday, July 29, 2019. Marie was a resident of New York City, New York.

Firstess Earth Mystique Crosby

- July 22, 2019
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Firstess passed away on Monday, July 22, 2019. Firstess was a resident of New York, New York.

Aliona Michelle Russo

- July 20, 2019
Service Date:

~Viewing~ Wednesday, July 24th 2-4:30PM and 7-9PM Greenwich Village Funeral Home 199 Bleecker St., New York City

Charles Winthrop Norton

- July 14, 2019
Service Date:

He excelled at everything he put his heart to. A talented artist, a brilliant writer and the most wonderful son, brother, and uncle who brought so much love, light, and laughter to his family and friends. He was a miracle, who left this world too soon. Rest in peace our precious and much loved Charles Winthrop Norton (1994- 2019)

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