Obituary of Peter Scott Shaw

October 31, 2024

Peter Scott Shaw

October 31, 2024 (58 years old).

It is with profound sadness to report the unexpected passing of Peter Scott Shaw on October 31, 2024.  Peter is survived by his long-time partner, Kimihiro Sato of New York City, his mother Joyce Reardon Shaw of Lady Lake, FL, his sister Linda Ferguson of Johnston, RI, and brother David Shaw of Pascoag, RI.  He is also survived by his niece Lauren Hillier and nephew Brian Ferguson and five grandnephews.

A memorial service for Peter will take place 17:30-19:30 on Wed, February 26, 2025, at the Harvard Club New York located at 35 W 44th St.   All are welcome.  Please stop by say hi and to meet others whose lives have been touched by Peter.  Come listen and/or share some of your memories.  It’ll be a joyous event to celebrate Peter’s life. For headcount purposes, we ask attendees to send an email before February 15th to, subject:  Shaw memorial on 2/26.

In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to Animal Haven, a NYC based animal rescue organization,  
Peter loved animals -- especially dogs -- and I know he’d be very grateful for any help given to this organization, which does incredible work. 

Thank you very much and we hope to see many of you on Feb 26th, 2025.

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